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This personal waterfall shows you all of Gervilla's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

i think superman because batman is inteligent but superman is more strong and superman can to kill batman of a blow batman has always just fat opponents that is my opinion

3 points

well I think sometimes because every day is the same routine and that's really boring, and i thiink the school need more programs that can help to the performance of the students but first that all the school needs new ideas that they can elevate the level of atencion of each student...

2 points

thats reason is really stupid

2 points

I think is a good idea because the school has more control about the students and they can has a better decision like who start the fights or something like that ....that’s my opinion

1 point

i dont think so that is necessary receive a ticket because many students has many things to do after school or maybe they just wait for his family or something lik that... on my opinion this rule is very strict and the school need more coomprention for the students ....thats my oppinion

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