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Artanaya's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Artanaya's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

The government should not be able to secretly monitor what we do or who we talk to because if the government did monitor us then they would be violating our rights that we have i mean yea there are people that should be monitored carefully because of there suspicious activitys but it still doesnt give them the right to just spy on someone even though we have the patriot act wich allows the government to tap youre fone monitor youre bank accounts and all the other stuff that has to do with the government spying on you.

3 points

Yes we should still keep learning about shakesphere's work because shakesphere is a part of history that has important dates and moments in them and without shakesphere i feel that art wouldnt be the same that it is with shakesphere art would probably be just normal and boring without shakesphere.

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