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This personal waterfall shows you all of Alejandro's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I don't think the government should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals because they would take out your privacy, the government would gain more power over the people, and probably the next step is that we would end up having a dictator or a king that wants to control all the people lives.

2 points

In my opinion I think its better to have a lousy father than to be fatherless because when you are raised by your mother in most of the cases you start seeing how your mom struggle in order to pay bills, house rent, food, clothes, and then thats when you start hustling in order to bring some money to the house. In the other hand if you have a father you dont have to worry a lot about those things.That everytime that you come home you know that there would be your father waiting for you ready to listen to your problems or to talk about how was your day or anyting else.In other words you would have a role model.

1 point

I would turn her in because I think that she dont have no right to take away someones life, thats god's decision. The reason that I would turn her in is because she would be a dangerous person for me because if she did it once she could do it twice.

1 point

I thing personal pursuit because i believe that you have to help yourself first to accomplish your goals because how can you help someone if you dont help yourself. Helping yourself first would make you a better person and i think that after you achieve your goals and becoming a better person you would be able to help the common good.

1 point

I would vote for Obama because he cares more about education than McCain. He wants a better future for the coming generations and wants that college be required. He also wants to help the poor people.And one thing I like about him is that he went to visit some ghetto neighborhoods to see what is going on in there so he would do something about it when he become president.

-4 points
-2 points

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