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This personal waterfall shows you all of Alejandrai's arguments, looking across every debate.
7 points

Since 9/11 the United States has been a lot more aware of its surroundings and strict in airports. The terrorists that struck the twin towers were Muslim. Due to that, we infer that a loud person with a long beard, a turbine may be a terrorist. Some people may find this offensive but it’s for our safety to be more alert. However, this may be considered stereotyping but it stops the increase of attacks and deaths to our country. You don’t lose anything by having someone search your bag for looking suspicious, you never know you might find deadly weapons and you just saved over 100 lives.

2 points

Torture of suspected terrorists is justified. Terrorist are the ones that are trying to bomb our society, but they won’t speak up. "If I were the mother or grandmother of a child who might have been saved had information been garnered concerning a bomb placed in a school, I would no doubt be very angry that harsh things weren't done," said Jean Bethke Elshtain, a University of Chicago political philosopher. In order to get information from them physical behavior should be justified in order to save human lives. However, in other cases, when older men kidnap girls and torture them for them, it is not justified. It really depends on the situation and its circumstances.

2 points

Students should attend the high school that belongs to them for a variety of reasons. If every student had the opportunity to chose the high school they wanted to go to, schools would be overcrowded and it could cause conflicts. For one, schools would not have the money to supply the materials we need, or some will receive more than others. As for the rich schools, their wealth may decrease or they may ask more from families in order to go to that school. Also now, if you are on a transfer and you misbehave, they send you back to the school you’re supposed to go to. But if that wasn’t the case, then there would be fights, and a lot of uncontrolled misbehavior. If students come from far away, then there would probably be a high percentage of them being late to school than others which could interfere with their credits and knowledge. A lot of students would want to go to the school that their friends from third grade are attending. However, now a day, we don’t realize is that in the end our friends are not going to pay our bills in the future and school is an independent process.

1 point

Presidents should not be allowed to serve more than two terms. After the eight years of ruling, our country will want to take a breath for change. We would definitely need a fresh new pair of eyes to step in and take charge. Our country will need new decisions varying from government, laws, education, safety and so fourth. There will always be an unhappy side whether you’re a Democrat or Republican. For instance, George Bush’s main focus was in war with Iraq while Obama is mainly focused in health care, every president has a different area of focus and if you focus on one thing for a long period of time then you could have consequences. The effects may bring our economy down or into a level of complacency.

13 points

Illegal immigrants should have just the same amount of freedom and respect as we do. The word, "alien" shows no respect whatsoever. One of the biggest reasons why people have migrated into the United States is to seek a better life, for themselves and their family. There are a lot of poor countries out there that can't supply the same help as we can. Such as; jobs, careers, universities, and money. They come in no harm, just to prosper their life. I'm sure its been brought to everyone's attention that Hispanics are the ones that clean building, do construction, mow yards, mechanic work and so fourth. If we eliminate those who help our country, who is going to do it then? A lot of the immigrants are illegal because they do not have the money to pay for their papers which is why they come here to gain that money. We should give everyone an opportunity to live the life they want to.

1 point

Developing countries don't even have the power to take care of themselves, and shouldn't be forced to protect the environment. They have their own personal issues such as to take care of their economy or as simple as develop their country. For example, El Salvador is a very poor country and is nowhere near the level of where United States stands. El Salvador is still trying to provide homes for people while United States has condos, apartments, hotels, houses and mansions. Poor countries can't handle their own problems they don't have enough power to make a difference, they have enough on their place focusing on surviving.

2 points

No I don't think schools kill creativity for a variety of reasons. One of them is because if school's killed creativity, we would be wearing uniform and everyone would look the same. Everyone expresses themselves differently even by the way they dress. Also schools, allow us to create projects, posters,powerpoints and tell us to put our own ideas into them. However, they are limited, like our teacher may limit us on how many powerpoint slides or the size of the poster and what not. It may be limited but it doesn't kill.

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