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This personal waterfall shows you all of SeymoneB's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

September 11, an important sad day for our country as a whole. The war on terror is hard to fight clean. When our country captures a terrorist and he refuses to talk drastic measures should be amplified to a level of no return. If we want response we need actions. Yes there should be a balance of good and evil. If torture is used properly for reasons of a country's survival then it can be justified. It shall not be justified just because someone wants to have fun by watching someone else in pain, as the series of Saw. There should be a law to imply the use of torture to a in access the size of a mustard seed.

5 points

We come to school to learn, play sports, and get a little guidance in our lives. Our friends being here with us on this journey is just a bonus. We must think about the true reasons of why this place called school was created. Choosing your school is not a life or death matter. If high school students were actually capable of choosing their own school some schools would become over populated immediately. While others schools populations shrunk. Students would not base their decisions on academics they would base it off of "who has the cutest people" or "who has the best sports". High School students are not allowed to make this decision do to some factors like teacher student ratio, transportation, and population. Until students become unbiased about schools then they may choose.

1 point

"Also, many presidents make promises, and sometimes 2 terms just isn't enough time for them to fufill those promises. " Yea I understand president's make lots of promises. Isn't our country supposed to represent equality. Which everyone has the equal opportunity. The Equal Rights Amendment from the United States Constitution intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of sex.

6 points

In the US we are in what most may call a "recession". Immigrants are just adding to our problems that we face on a daily basis like jobs, food, and etc. It is nothing personal against immigrants by far. It is just hard enough for us citizens to find jobs as it is. Especially With people being cheap and hiring immigrants who work for less than minimum wage, just trying to make a bit of money. Also they are committing a crime and we would as a country be an accomplice to this very crime.

-1 points

I agree with the view that school's do not kill creavtivity. Due to the simple fact that unless you share a brain you are not subjected to the same thought processes. Just because you dress alike does not mean you think alot. Twins for instance. Look alike but extremly different.

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