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This personal waterfall shows you all of MsAdams's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe that the government should not be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals, because everyone has their rights and by the government secretly monitoring everybody they are violating their rights by the constitution. Also, everyone deserves their privacy not only does the government already limit our rights, but trying to spy on their every move? No, that's not even right at all.

0 points

No I would not turn my husband in, because I vowed to them for sickness and health that I would be there and if they're sick mentally then I plan to be there every step of the way. Love is stronger than anything and letting that come between us will not happen. Yes, he did take someones life and it can't be given back so yes I will be mad, because he is bringing a big problem to our relationship, but it's nothing we can't overcome. What if he was killing for me? What if he was saving my life? To me love is when you give someone the power to hurt you and expect them not to. So if I know love is there I expect them not to hurt me and I know he won't.

1 point

Honestly I believe that both are good there is no better in this arguement, because they both have that significance and they balance each other out. Personal pursuit because you improve your self for others and the enviorment around you, and then advancing the common good, because the goods help you and others improve. Life isn't perfect and we don't live in a perfect world and I don't expect it to be that way. These two are no different nor are they the same but they are significant.

2 points

I believe that Shakespeare's work should continue to be studied at the high school level because, it is very knowledgeable, and also teenagers can learn a thing or to from Shakespeare about love and real poetry and plays. Also, his work has meaning that is still similar to the years now, alot has changed and it is good to compare the changes from the years with Shakespeare and now.

2 points

Honestly I believe that Barack Obama should be president because it is time for change, and i really don't want another George Bush in there.

1 point

I believe that it is better to be well respected than wealthy, because like it says your respected well. When you have respect you get what you need. Money can't always buy happiness but respect can get you further in life. Money can't buy respect and if so I believe that is low down because its not always a guarantee that its true respect.

0 points

I believe that schools do kill creativity because, students are not able to express their selves as they would on a normal basis. We get in trouble for trying to show our innermost beauty to others, and they say its either inappropriate or we shouldn't do it at all, because we might offend someone.

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