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This personal waterfall shows you all of Fresh318's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Ok but think of it this way, when you said your grandparents had to wait so should everyone else, you're being mad selfish. Look at it this way when any type of activist fight for sumthin they're doing it for all who follow them or the people to come not just for themselves. SELFISHNESS is not the way to go.

2 points

Obama simply made it clear that college should be cheaper. I agree, for the simple fact of its alot of smart students and not just smart students that get into these colleges but because of the cost they choose not to go. Either that or if they take student loans that stacks up bad credit just because the person wanted to go to college. Thats cruel to me. It makes America seem like they dont care about the education they jus want the money.

2 points

Creativity is important. I would have to say, Irving MacArthur does not kill creativity. I cant say school as in plural because i have no idea if other schools do. The majority of the teachers at Mac are looking for creativity especially while doing different type of projects and etc.. Im pretty sure teachers get tired of seeing the same thing on every paper. When teachers go home and grade projects, they want to be interested by how different one is from the next because if they are all the same im pretty sure they get tired of seeing them. And of course you have to stay within the guide lines of things but they also are free with letting you put your own twist on things.

0 points

Yes. As a remarkable young gentlemen, I would have to declare that being feared would be the most wise decision. When one fears you it's also a sign that they respect the fact that if you come to them with an half thought out anything or somthing they dont want to hear, you would have to face some type of consequence. I know being loved is a good thing but most likely when you are feared it's a strong possibilty that you are about strict business.

-1 points


-3 points
-2 points

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