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This personal waterfall shows you all of Yvettem's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I think they should use profiling, but it should be done with limits. It may cause more chaos, therefore it should be done with discretion so people wont freak out and go crazy thinking a terrorist is on the loose. Also airport officials should not just go after one certain kind of individuals. It should be kept fair, and limited. Limited in the way that people should not be attacked for having a gun, hairspray or lighter even. Profiling could have it's ups and down, but mostly ups. This country can not afford another tragedy and it's up to the people with higher authority to do everything they possibly can to avoid another one.

1 point

Each country has should have the right to do what they want with their environment. No country should interfere with other countries regarding a country's decision. For example parents should not interfere with the way that other parents raise their kids and the same applies with countries. We are countries for a reason, we don't run things together that's why we have borders. We each have a different way of running and managing things. If we began to force other countries to do things then that would contradict what are nation stands for, liberty. If countries began to force other countries to protect the environment or any other thing even for the good of our world, it may on some level offend other nations and lead into another world war. So much for protecting the environment when you have others being blown up!

4 points

I think schools do kill creativity because we as students each have our own personality, style and way of thinking. We do not have to wear uniform in high school but we have limits as to what can be worn, and in some cases what can be said. If a person wants to have twenty facial piercings or curse there will be consequences. I believe schools do kill creativity, not on purpose but, for the well being of the students.

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