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Meganxlovely's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Meganxlovely's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I get what your saying, but by giving the students trust something may go wrong and it would be on them. The school would be the ones to get in trouble. All for trust, i just dont think they would think its worth their jobs or the safety of the school.

3 points

I feel that the current level of video surveillance is needed to keep the school safe. If something were to happen and noone was there to see it, the schools cameras might possibly have it on tape. That would keep "he said", "she said" from happening. Some may feel that the videos arent watched everyday, but they dont need to be. They should be there for evidence purposes, like if something goes missing they can then look to see if its on camera.

-4 points

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