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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ma77's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

William Shakespeare invented a lot of the words in the English language, many of them are still in use today. This is one reason to study Shakespeare's works.

Another reason to learn Shakespeare is that Shakespeare is that Shakespeare was an expert in using words to make ordinary people understand things and feel emotion. He was a great writer who wrote plays not for highly educated people, but for everyone to enjoy. In these plays, he talked about controversial topics, tragedy, horror, fantasy, love, and famous people. We can learn from Shakespeare if we want to be able to influence other people as well as he did.

1 point

Well I think it's better to be well respected rather then wealthy.

Money can't buy you everything but being well enough respected can (^_^)

3 points

it's fine as long as they don't Invade our privacy such as setting them in bathrooms.

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