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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lucass's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

I wouldnt turn my wife in because if it was self defense its okay, but if she did it intentionally I would tell her she had to leave and I wouldnt help her.

2 points

....because men tend to feel like their more surprior than women, like women dont have the skills to manage things because men dont have a feminine side, and in sticky situations women feel terrorfied as of men have no fear.

3 points

I rather be loved than feared, because I dont think I could be feared anyway. plus people who are feared probly dont have any friends because no one wants to be around them.

2 points

NO,I beleive that those who can afford college tution should pay but those who cant shouldnt pay as much or all at front.The government should give free tution to those who REALLY need it and show that they deserve it.

2 points

School does not kill creativity, schools actually have different classes that help your creativness such as art,band,orchestra,theater and dance class.

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