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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lindsayh's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Profiling is similar to sterotyping, and sterotyping is not always correct. On CSI or Criminal Minds, the killer or kidnapper is sometimes not the person we expected it to be. I feel like if we question people just because of what they look like, or what they're wearing, then the real terroists will just walk by us. We shouldn't focus on peoples appearance. We should focus on their actions and personalities. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

0 points

Karma comes around. I feel like if you do something wrong to somebody else, then you should see how it feels. What goes around comes around. For example, in "A Time to Kill" 2 guys rape Tonya Hailey, and they don't see any wrong in it. I think they should to tortured to the same extent that little girl was so they know how it feels to be treated like that. Maybe if they know how bad it feels, they won't do it again. I think torturing for the fun of it is wrong. If you kipnap someone and you just torture them because your bored, that's wrong. There are certain situations were torturing is justified. There aren't many, but there are a couple where torturing is like the only thing you can do that can make the people realize that they need to stop whatever they are doing.

6 points

This is a free country. Students should not be limited to which school they go to. It is their education, and they should be able to pick whichever school they feel like is best for them. Maybe they know a couple teachers from a different school and feel like they could learn more from them. Should they be penalized just because they live closer to another school? Yes, some schools might be crowded and populated, but that is just more teaching jobs opening, which will give more of our population jobs. Also the school might need to be built bigger which will give even more jobs for construction workers. The national unemployment rate is 10.2 percent, so people are in need of jobs anyways. You shouldn't be restricted from a school, just because you don't live near there, or your grades aren't high enough. If your grades aren't high enough, then maybe the teachers at your school aren't teaching you in a way you understand which means you need to move schools. Another reason may be that there are students who distract you from learning, and other schools may not have as many distractions. Schools shouldn't be limited under any circumstances. You should be able to go to the high school you choose, based on your needs and opinions.

1 point

"Franklin D. Roosevelt held office for more than 2 terms, actually he was on his 4th term when he died in office, even though the constitution clearly states that a president can only hold the office for 2 terms." Is this saying that our president broke the law? If it says he can only hold the office for 2 terms, and he serves for 4, what can of example is that setting for our country? And even if he was "allowed" or "gave permission" to serve more than 2 terms, why wasn't the law or constitution changed then? Also, presidents should make promises they know they can keep. They shouldn't make them, if they're not sure.

1 point

To start running for president, you have to be at least thirty-five years old. According to the pubic data on Google, the life expectancy of 2009 is seventy eight years old, so when you first run for president you're life is already half over. Yes, you have experienced a lot and seen a lot of things which would make a good president, but not for the next eight years. Eight years is a long time, and presidency is a lot to handle. If you have that much stress on you for 8 years, it's hard, and seeing how you have to deal with aging as well, will be harder. Another reason two terms is too long is because of the publicity. Do you really want your kids growing up to where everywhere they turn there is cameras? Do you want the world to know all the little bits and pieces of your life? Like Obama, for example. Him and his family purchased a dog recently, and it was all over the media. There were magazines with his family and dog on the cover, stories on channel 8 news, and articles in the newspapers. If there was that much publicity because of them getting a dog, think about how much publicity there would be if something big actually happened? Also think about how that would be for over 8 years.

4 points

How hard is it to put it in a little extra effort and get a green card before coming to the United States? Most immigrants want to come here for a better life and better jobs, so why risk getting deported when all you have to do is become legal. If immigrants want to come to the United States and have a better life, then they should start by doing everything it takes to be illegal, instead of taking the easy way out and coming illegally. They should have to work as hard as the people who are legal. Some reasons they should be deported are; Foreigners will not have the right to vote no matter how long they're here, they will never be able to hold political office, all business will be conducted in English not Spanish, they may not protest, etc. Some of them should just save thereself the time, and stay in there country. They wouldn't risk getting in trouble with the law or having to "stay under the radar" all the time.

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