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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaitlynh's arguments, looking across every debate.
7 points

It's justified depending on the circumstances. If the U.S. is using torture to gain important information on something, then it'd be necessary. But in situations where someone's being tortured because of a crime they've committed then it's wrong. Someone shouldn't be punished for their past mistakes, but if they're holding valuable information that could save someone or that could help us protect our country, then it'd be acceptable.

5 points

Some students come to school with the intentions of learning, and going to college in the future. Others only come because it's the law. If you're going to choose the high school you attend, you should have acceptable grades and attendance to ensure that you're going there to learn, and not just for a group of friends. This should be an opportunity and a privilege for those who are looking for a better education. If the student fails to meet the school's criteria he or she can be rejected into the school. Also if he or she does not uphold to their responsibility then it should be up to the school's discretion if they should be kicked out or not. Choosing the high school you attend should be your option, but only if you're seeking a better education.

1 point

Franklin D. Roosevelt was a president for 4 terms and it didn't "get annoying" He was re-elected for a reason, obviously because the people wanted him to be the president. All good things come with time, and so a president may need more than 8 years to to fulfill his vision of the nation. After two terms, if the president is "ready to step down and let someone else take charge" then he will, otherwise he'll run for office again.

2 points

In America's past history, there have been several great presdients, and some not so great ones... Although we'd like to make and exception to the rule, we can't. The 22nd Amendment allows a president to serve for two terms, or eight years. Abolishing this amendment won't turn our government into a dictatorship; "Sufficient power resides in the Congress and the Judiciary to protect our country from tyranny." - Representative Steny Hoyer. The Congress and Judiciary can veto a bill that the President proposes, which will prevent any tyranny from happening. America elects the president, so if they choose to elect someone for more than two terms, perhaps it's for the better of the country.

3 points

There is over 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today. And over 25% of them make up for the federal prison population. Illegal immigrants are not paying taxes, and when they drive, it's without a license and insurance. Illegal immigrants open America to even more crimes, gangs, traffic accidents, diseases...

2 points

Developing countries don't have the money to become eco-friendly. It's very expensive and developing countries cannot afford it. They have much greater needs than the environment, like hunger, and taking care of their citizen's needs. Environment can be important, but tending to the people's needs should come first. Cutting off a developing country from aid because they can't afford to protect the environment won't help anything. The sooner they become developed, the sooner they can work on becoming eco-friendly.

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