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Julcastaneda's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Julcastaneda's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think the government has the right to monitor individuals because what if someone has done something really bad and people don't know. You never know that person may be a terrorist to our country and our country may be in dangerous.

2 points

I think is better to have a lousy father than a fatherless because you can count on your father. No matter what your father is always going to be there for you in the good and bad times. If you don't have a father you don't really know what is right or wrong. If you don't have a father than you don't have nobody to count with or tell him your problems.

1 point

I would turn in my spouse because i don't want to live with someone that have commit a murder. If you don't turn him/her in you would not live your life as peaceful as you want too because you going to have more problems in the future if you don't.

1 point

I think common good is better than personal pursuit because its better to help other people. I feel good when i help people because it makes me feel happy that im doing something good in life.

1 point

i think it should be studied at high school because its on the high school level and makes student to think more about it.

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