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Juagonzales3's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Juagonzales3's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well I really don't know which side to pick but from what I can tell my vote is mostly going for no because Euthanasia is almost basically murder with out the families permission if the decision is made by the doctor... In my other opinion if the family decides yes to pull the plug then ok that will not be considered as murder or assisted suicide.... I would only agree to legalize Euthanasia with the catch that

the doctors consult the family and let the family decide.

2 points

I think it is better to be poor and have someone to trust than be rich and not have anybody because being rich is not a bad thing but is in the circle of bad things. That is only because when you are truely rich and you have people around you. You start having these theories, and strange feelings that the people around you are stealing your money and taking your land or wealth away... Now if your poor you can like go around and hang around people, and trust them without having theories or feelings about them stealing your money because you know that they can trust you, and you can trust them

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