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Hparada's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hparada's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

I agree Obama is to much of a communist. All he wants to do is help all the lazy * people that want to live of walfare and crap.

1 point

I believe that McCain should be president because he is better fit to run a country, he has the experiance necesarry. He has showed love for this country by devoting his life to it, in the military in his youth and politics in his old age. He has the country best interest at heart.

An not to sound racial but blacks and hispanics are not very good at running countries and we can tell by just looking at south america and africa.

I think obama should take his so called change to africa or south america theyre where its needed america is doing just fine the way it is sure it has its problems but we are better of with a white president.

3 points

I would rather be wealthy because i would llive a life of luxury and i could deal with not being respected as long as i have money.

1 point

its really depends on how u look at it i believe that the creativity is not killed but rather expanded by the many different electives in school to choose from and the people in there that will share there ideas and expand ur ideas and have everyone's creativity and fill the world with new ideas and expanded new ideas

0 points

it dosent matter who started everyone that was involved gets a ticket anyways

-1 points

i dont believe that the cameras really do anything i mean really they stay there and like for exsample if their is a fight there all the cameras are going to do i record it everyone would see it so its no really like it helps find out stuff and if ppl steal they dont look dirrecty at the camera they keep their face away from the camera

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