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1 point

The numbers show that woman earn a lot less than men, I think it is just general perception of them that gets misconceived, that hey are weaker and inferior, which is simply not true. A lot of times their production can be higher than men because they are more professional in the work place.

Supporting Evidence: femaleincomedesparity (
2 points

I like your article I just think you need more evidence. Like the exact numbers between men's and woman's sports.

2 points

I really like your article it really shows how much we still have to come in woman's rights and especially in sport's and in Title IX legislation

0 points

Plenty of woman recently have been joining the army lately. And to industrialization claim that it is strictly a male profession. There are many hard working woman who work hard for their families on the assembly line in Detroit and many other blue collar towns.

2 points

There may not be a woman president , but it is incredibly likely that one will be voted in in the near future.

hausere18(27) Clarified
2 points

I just think that if there were more woman in power positions like congress, or fortune 500 companies had more woman held positions than this would be less of an issue. However, it just seems almost inevitable that men are more likely to hold these positions because of how our society is like. I think if we just see woman as just as capable as men then this will be less of an issue.

hausere18(27) Clarified
3 points

What I'm trying to say is I don't think men and woman are equal, I just think woman should get equal consideration as men do in the workplace and in schools.

4 points

I feel like Woman can have just has high paying job it all just depends on how you receive that equality. If we perceive a woman interviewing for a job the same we see a man then this would not be an issue. However living in the society that we live in this is not always a possibility. That is why you see woman earning 78 cents on the dollar of what men earn. I don't think it is possible to eliminate this prejudice in our society, but we can certainly try. It all just starts with our society and if everyone sees woman as equals than is likely that employers will pay woman higher wages and higher them more.

1 point

I agree that the laws are vague and that is certainly one way that woman could be achieving higher equality.

15 points

I think Woman have come a long way in terms of equality since the passing of the 19th amendment in 1920, but woman in the workforce especially are still treated unfair.

Today there is a record of 98 woman out of 535 people in congress. This is still a large difference in the amount of woman but the numbers are still on the rise. During world War I there was only a single woman in congress. This shows how far woman have come, but there is still a long way to go.

Another reason woman have improved is the professional sports leagues that now exist and title IX. For example the WNBA isn't even close to the popularity of the NBA , but the discrepancy isn't that overwhelmingly high. I think its just the biased that exist in sports fans that they would rather see a man rather than a woman play.

Overall, woman have come a long way, but they are far from equal.

Supporting Evidence: Woman in Congress (

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