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Elvchavez's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvchavez's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points


I think the government should monitor everyone. For most things there's a fine line as to wether something is legal or illegal, so if someone is doing something clearly illegal then they'll be caught and if no one is doing anything illegal then they have nothing to worry about. What matters is how the government is using the information. They need to use discretion and shouldn't keep information on people who aren't doing anything wrong.

1 point

I think it's better to be fatherless because having someone to look up to, I'd rather choose no father than having a uncaring and lousy father there to be a stain in my life. I wouldn't look up to him and he doesn't necessarily have to be the fatherly figure I have to look up to.

1 point

Yes, if the person I loved and lived with murdered someone then I would definitely turn them in. Murder is premeditated and intentional so you never know if later on down the line they will turn on you.

1 point

I think that focusing on a personal persuit comes first, going to college, having a career, and reaching a position of power. I don't think there really is a day when you will announce to the world that your going to advance the common good, but you can help people here and there, donating a little bit of time, donating a little money, but in the end if your ever in the position of power and have money you could truly advance the common good.

1 point

In my mind Freedom is being in the state of mind to do anything without having something mentally or physically holdng you back, so based on past experience or "what's been done to you" your freedom will as good or bad as what's been done to you. If the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree then you'll seek that freedom away from the tree and if you fall far and away from it then you won't do much to seek it. I may not know what I'm saying..

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