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Demarquis482's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Demarquis482's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I myself think the government should be able to, because it they have received information or such thing to have them believe this person is doin somethin such as: planing to kill someone, cause someone hurt or some kind off wrong doing then that gives them reason to monitor that person.

1 point

Me personaly, I would have to say fatherless. And it is easy for me to say that because i havent had mi father in my life never{none,zero,zip,nodda}. The only person i have had to count on is my mother.

1 point

No, because when you are geting married to someone and he say do you vowe to stay with this person through the good and the bad.And you say yes then you should be a person of your word and not turn against your spouse.

1 point

To me i dont think so, because it realy hasn't influenced my life.

And thats wat i am here at school for, to learn thing that are going to help me out in the long run.

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