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Amandar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amandar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Being respected goes two ways and sometimes one way.Being well-respected is a two way deal but being respected in one way is either bought or forced respect.Respect comes from within to the outside even before everything like money.It cannot be bought or sold as it is humane in nature.Even a `church mouse`gets respect or don`t they?

0 points

i think the government should paythe tuition money for colleges because alot of students who have the capability to make potential role models in the future,are out there trying to get into college but can`t .For most of them money is the issue.They have to get jobs to support themselves through but yet can`t make it to their dreams as they spend much time thinking of how they`d make it to the next fee instead of pursuing their dreams.

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