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This personal waterfall shows you all of RebeccaHern's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Developing countries shouldn't need to have the help of force from the developed countries. Developing countries should learn to become independent and not dependent on developed countries helping them. It is best that they are able to set up an independent nation with productive people. If America as a developed country does help, developing countries won't be able to improve themselves and they'll be dependent on the nations providing them with help. If the country wants or doesn't want to protect their environment it is not a developed country's responsibility to force developing countries to protect their environment. No force is needed, let the developing countries decided. The developing countries have to take responsibility for their own country and responsibility to take care of the environment.

0 points

Although many lives were lost and people of all races and gender struggled for the rights and freedoms of this country for hundreds of years, I think it was all worth it. Presently America is the most culturally diverse and and mixed with the most various races out all the countries in the world. People throughout the world that don't live in America wish and dream to come to a country where all races are accepted and where many opportunities and freedoms exist. Citizens here have the freedom of religion and freedom of speech and freedom to be what they want to be. I think those who passed a way and sacrificed their lives for this country would be proud to see what has came out of their sacrifice and blood shed. I am very grateful and thankful for those who gave their lives for the creation of America.

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