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This personal waterfall shows you all of Castaneda's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think that they shouldn't be doing that because just because you seem suspicious they think you gonna do something bad or something but that doesn't mean they got the right to monitor you. If they person doesn't look suspicious they shouldn't do nothing to that person because he or she is not doing nothing wrong at all. If you been watch most of the time you won't have at least your own privacy.

0 points

I thinks its better if you be a fatherless than a lousy father because your lousy father would give you bad influence. Maybe you might follow your father as he is. But if your a fatherless is gonna be ok but not good either because you might not like being a fatherless. As long as you a lousy father or fatherless so they can encourage you to success in life and also help you correct your msitake that you had made.

1 point

I think they should keep on studying shakepeares because they learn things from it and it helps them learn things that past in the past. Its also a good way for them to learn about the people and how they use to talk back then.

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