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Carson_B's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Carson_B's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Lane you are right intervention will help us learn we can be free but there are limitations! :)

1 point

It doesn't matter sarah, because you should still try, intervention will give a chance to have one on one tutoring and help your grades. If you don't go it won't give you the help and your lesson won't be learned!

1 point

William, we should have our freedom, but what would the world be like if we didn't turn our work and were all lazy. Intervention can help your grades and your teachers can have time to tutor. This can help you! BOOM!

1 point

Yes, because you didn't do your work so you have to take responsibilty. If you are struggling and you fail really badly maybe a teacher has to put you in so they can tutor you and help. Going might give the person to try harder and have good work effort. The teachers made intervention so they could have more times, and days to help you. I know intervention seems bad or boring but if you go it might change you into a more responsible person. We should have our freedom but still you should manage your time more wisely. So stop for a moment and think, what would the world be like if we all were lazy and didn't do our work.

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