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Aundre_7's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Aundre_7's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We are free, but our freedom has limitations to them. If we could do anything we want we wouldn't have rules or ASI.

1 point

Yes i also think it can help kids in the future to do their work. They ail also get tired of getting in trouble.

1 point

Kids who don't do their work deserve to be in ASI. If they have all the time to do their work at home they shouldn't have a excuse. Wouldn't you do your ahead of time to stay out of trouble. It teaches the kid to do their work and turn it in on time. Most kids don't like to stay after school for an assignment, so staying after school will keep kids doing their work. Some kids will learn to not procrastinate on assignments.

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