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pizzakitty's Reward Points: 68

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Tax payer funded abortin.
1 Added Argument Why can't women walk around topless if fat disgusting men can?
1 Added Argument CD Members: Should we Create a 'Formal' Section?
1 Added Argument Someone please explain how socialism and liberalism are OPPOSING ideologies?
4 Created Debate Is our medical system corrupt?
1 Added Argument Let's remove all kinds of religion, but to unite the world
4 Added Argument Test Debate
4 Added Argument Test Debate
1 Added Argument Should evolution be taught in schools? (PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION)
1 Added Argument Liberalism is Naziism
1 Added Argument Can Science and Morality co-exist?
1 Added Argument @FactMachine Needs 70 Accounts Because His Opinion Is So Stupid.
2 Added Argument Obama is a moderate Republican.
1 Added Argument Obama is a moderate Republican.
1 Added Argument What are your thoughs on space colonization?
2 Added Argument Christianity is polytheistic
1 Added Argument Are Aliens Real?
1 Added Argument Merry Christmas in advance! :)
5 Created Debate Can the extreme left wing be classified as communist?
1 Added Argument What's worse?? Being a child molester, or being a Democrat?
1 Added Argument What's worse?? Being a child molester, or being a Democrat?
0 Added Argument All who hate brontoraptor please post here that you officially hate him and say
4 Created Debate Is it a good idea to create artificial intelligence (with Isaac Asimov's rules)?
2 Added Argument Why do right wingers think science is left wing?

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