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instig8or's Reward Points: 3308

Points When What Where
5 Added Argument Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
1 Added Argument Gryffindor vs Slytherin
1 Added Argument It may have been a good thing to have gotten rid of Saddam but it hurt the economy.
1 Added Argument In dog world - humans are elves who routinely live to be 500+ years old.
3 Added Argument What music Genre do you think God hates the most
3 Added Argument Which language is the sexiest?
1 Added Argument Is Sitar our most feeble minded member?
1 Added Argument Do you like FOX Noise?
1 Added Argument Religion: Madness, or just Delusion?
1 Added Argument Is Donald Trump like Hitler?
1 Added Argument Unicorn, Orange, and or Banana
2 Added Argument Who Was Worse In The Role!
1 Added Argument Is God a megalomaniac?
3 Added Argument We are witnessing the difference in priorities of Democrats and Republicans.
1 Added Argument Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,Hufflpuff, or slytherin
1 Added Argument Is Donald Trump like Hitler?
1 Added Argument why judges are better than politicans
1 Added Argument Is it worrisome that Donald Trump's businesses benefit from his upcoming presidency?
1 Added Argument Is Donald Trump a fascist sack of crap?
1 Added Argument Are you a feminist?
2 Added Argument If you are stuck between a big log and moist cave what would you do?
1 Added Argument If someone you loved romantically committed a murder, would you rat this person out?
1 Added Argument Humor me for a moment: What if it turns out Religion is just a big prank?
3 Added Argument If you are stuck between a big log and moist cave what would you do?

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