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Polaris95's Reward Points: 239

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Let's do a series of mock presidential debates on CD
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie Sanders earned over a million dollars this year
1 Added Argument Is capitalism working against natural selection?
1 Added Argument Would u fight in a Civil War
1 Added Argument America is the Greatest Country of Earth
1 Added Argument Why are the best debaters never SJWs?
1 Added Argument Was Obama a good president?
1 Added Argument Should healthcare be free in America?
1 Added Argument Do you love Jesus?
1 Added Argument Cops torture suspect, should they do prison time?
1 Added Argument What are the first three words that pop in your mind when you hear "christianity" ?
1 Added Argument Should I make more debates

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