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LotusSnot's Reward Points: 39

Points When What Where
0 Downvoted Argument FBI confirms that Trump's tweets about Hillary Clinton's email were a lie
0 Downvoted Argument FBI confirms that Trump's tweets about Hillary Clinton's email were a lie
0 Downvoted Argument FBI confirms that Trump's tweets about Hillary Clinton's email were a lie
0 Downvoted Argument FBI confirms that Trump's tweets about Hillary Clinton's email were a lie
0 Downvoted Argument FBI confirms that Trump's tweets about Hillary Clinton's email were a lie
1 Created Debate Can you migrate to Heaven by any way other than the door?
0 Added Argument If your ancestors came here after mine, GET OUT!
1 Added Argument Who is more nazi like, bronto or nom?
0 Added Argument Trump Worshipers - What would it take to lose your vote?
2 Created Debate There is no death
1 Added Argument Call for John Kerry's arrest over treason
1 Added Argument Call for John Kerry's arrest over treason
3 Created Debate Is Game of Thrones softcore porn?
1 Added Argument Where are the safe spaces our teachers promised?
1 Added Argument I have to admit.....
1 Added Argument Russia using electonic weapons against US in Syria? Are we fucked?
1 Added Argument K-Rino exposes racist alt right Neo-Nazis like Antrim.
1 Added Argument Is there a 'liberal Christianity' in reality?
1 Added Argument I support President Trump on religious liberty, and want my Christian rights, am I wrong?
1 Added Argument Hillary fell down twice in India & then griped and made excuses for why she lost.
2 Added Argument Hillary fell down twice in India & then griped and made excuses for why she lost.
1 Added Argument Most poor people dont even try to save money even when they are able
5 Created Debate Conservatives are happier than Liberals
5 Created Debate Hillary fell down twice in India & then griped and made excuses for why she lost.
2 Added Argument Are Athletes Overpaid
1 Added Argument Why are highly intelligent men usually horrible with women?
2 Created Debate Would colonizing moon help with overpopulation & pullution?
1 Created Debate The Democrat Presidential candidate in 2020 will be Elizabeth Warren
1 Added Argument Rich or Famous?
1 Created Debate Trump won the ' popular vote' in almost every state
1 Added Argument Should I be put in a cage because I smoke marijuana?
1 Added Argument If time travel is actually possible...
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
1 Added Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument What makes Catholicism and Atheism alike?
1 Added Argument Name Some 'Good Books' You Would Recommend

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