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LRyuuzaki's Reward Points: 51

Points When What Where
4 Created Debate Is there a power source at the center of the north pole?
0 Added Argument Is there a whole lot of wank going on on CD?
0 Added Argument Was the Texas Bomber a good Christian?
0 Created Debate Is Rusticus a bloody wanker?
5 Created Debate Is Trump smarter than Obama?
4 Created Debate Does fluoride calcify the pineal gland?
0 Created Debate Why did Hellno become a socialist?
2 Added Argument Does Communism suck?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Downvoted Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Added Argument Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
0 Created Debate Is Nom Hellno? Was he once a right wing troll?
1 Added Argument Is C D better under the new rules?
0 Added Argument Is excon "97% Pure Blooded Jew." ?
-1 Downvoted Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
-1 Downvoted Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
2 Added Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
0 Added Argument What underlies the MAGA appeal?
1 Created Debate If the universe is a simulation, is creationism more likely?
0 Created Debate Is excon "97% Pure Blooded Jew." ?
1 Added Argument Is everyone a sinner?
3 Created Debate Does the Illuminati exist?
0 Created Debate Does Prodigee have an elaborate plan to take over the site?
2 Added Argument Does anyone want to say who they are not? [For the April 1st Cleanup]
-1 Downvoted Argument Does anyone want to say who they are not? [For the April 1st Cleanup]
1 Added Argument Evolution is a scientific theory and creationism is a religious belief.
-1 Downvoted Argument Evolution is a scientific theory and creationism is a religious belief.
1 Added Argument Is mathematics independent of human consciousness?
0 Added Argument Will Prodigee and I enslave the human race?
0 Added Argument Will Prodigee and I enslave the human race?
0 Created Debate Will Prodigee and I enslave the human race?
0 Added Argument Debate was deleted, will mingiwuwu reply in this debate?
0 Added Argument Debate was deleted, will mingiwuwu reply in this debate?
0 Created Debate Debate was deleted, will mingiwuwu reply in this debate?
-1 Downvoted Argument
0 Added Argument I am very scared cause' I am going to jail
0 Added Argument I am very scared cause' I am going to jail
0 Created Debate I am very scared cause' I am going to jail
0 Added Argument Let's face it. Nom destroyed the site.
-1 Downvoted Argument Outline Staples to Your Socio-Political Ideology
1 Added Argument Is it too late to be who you might have been?

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