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KJVPrewrath's Reward Points: 967

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Kill the rapist, not the victim;s baby.
5 Created Debate Kill the rapist, not the victim;s baby.
1 Added Argument - Leading Civil Debate Platform VS
1 Added Argument I don't lean left or right, I lean forward towards Jesus.
1 Created Debate I don't know everything, but, Jesus is the love of my life.
1 Added Argument Duck boat crashed in Seattle - dozens died. Duck boat sinks in Branson - 17 dead.
1 Created Debate Is Tits McGee on this site?
5 Created Debate Which came first?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do unborn people have the right to live?
-1 Downvoted Argument How do atheists rationally know fact from fiction?
2 Added Argument How do atheists rationally know fact from fiction?
4 Created Debate I don't lean left or right, I lean forward towards Jesus.
3 Added Argument Have you ever been in love?
9 Added Argument Do unborn people have the right to live?
5 Created Debate Do unborn people have the right to live?
5 Created Debate Should we have a social democracy?
1 Added Argument Nutrition is the key to everything.
1 Added Argument Elizabeth Warren claims people need FOUR JOBS to survive
1 Added Argument Duck boat crashed in Seattle - dozens died. Duck boat sinks in Branson - 17 dead.
1 Added Argument Why does the Illuminati (or Freemasonry) add hints in movies, songs, and etc.?
5 Created Debate Have you ever been in love?
0 Added Argument NOM YOU ARE A BAD ME KILL U
5 Created Debate People who are without morals, are without rights.
1 Added Argument Should healthcare be free in America?
1 Added Argument Bronto's ancestors are turning in their grave
1 Added Argument This is what Factology said, do you agree? No banning.
5 Created Debate This is what Factology said, do you agree? No banning.
2 Added Argument Should you hate people for no other reason than they hate you?
3 Added Argument Everyone who doesn't agree with me about everything should be burned at the stake
1 Added Argument Why are the best debaters never SJWs?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should you hate people for no other reason than they hate you?
1 Added Argument Are dogs awesome?
2 Created Debate Are dogs awesome?
1 Added Argument CNN propaganda worse than Nazi Germany
1 Added Argument America is the Greatest Country of Earth
1 Created Debate President Trump supports a woman's right to choose...
3 Added Argument Why can't I be a centrist Republican? I really want to.
1 Added Argument Is abortion murder of a live person?
4 Added Argument Should you hate people for no other reason than they hate you?
1 Added Argument Libs didn't fix immigration when they had super majority under Obama
1 Added Argument Libs didn't fix immigration when they had super majority under Obama
0 Added Argument You are all fools and I have no respect for anyone on this site
3 Created Debate Who has more compassion?
3 Created Debate Is abortion murder of a live person?
1 Created Debate Will children endangered by the proabortion left ever see justice from Republicans?
5 Created Debate Why can't I be a centrist Republican? I really want to.
1 Created Debate Would Sarah Palin make a good POTUS?
2 Added Argument Is Leftism a religion?
1 Added Argument Does life exist outside of left vs right? FromWithin, please participate.
3 Created Debate Does life exist outside of left vs right? FromWithin, please participate.
5 Created Debate Obama also deported and seperated families, so why whine about Trump? #Centrist
0 Added Argument If your ancestors came here after mine, GET OUT!
1 Created Debate Is abortion outside of medical need, murder?
1 Added Argument Does a zygot have the right to live?
1 Added Argument If you don't want to have a kid, get a vasectomy or buy some condoms
2 Added Argument It's time to arm up for war
2 Added Argument YeshuaBought Is An Intolerant Fascist
0 Created Debate Are more guns the solution to gun violence?
1 Added Argument Greece VS Rome
1 Added Argument Were the moonlandings fake?
1 Added Argument Does God exist?
3 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Created Debate POTUS Trump just got done speaking at the Susan B Anthony List Dinner, what say you?
1 Added Argument Was Hobby Lobby a good ruling?
2 Created Debate Was Hobby Lobby a good ruling?
3 Created Debate If personhood begins at fertilization, are identical twins only half of a person?
1 Added Argument Does a zygot have the right to live?
5 Created Debate Does a zygot have the right to live?
3 Created Debate Betsy DeVoss: Schools should decide whether to report undocumented students. What say you?
3 Added Argument Is ISIS the perfect example of what happens when the wrong people have weapons?
1 Added Argument Till it happens to you: Should rape victims be allowed to abort their babies?
3 Created Debate Till it happens to you: Should rape victims be allowed to abort their babies?
1 Created Debate Is Jesus the God who served?
1 Created Debate Did the Senate just save Net Neutrality?
5 Created Debate Is ISIS the perfect example of what happens when the wrong people have weapons?
2 Added Argument ISIS is a perfect example of why more gun control is not the answer. Look what happened...
1 Added Argument Should torture be abolished?
1 Added Argument NYC Mayor: Stop arresting pot smokers!
3 Created Debate NYC Mayor: Stop arresting pot smokers!
1 Added Argument Should torture be abolished?
5 Created Debate Should torture be abolished?
1 Created Debate Iran directly attacks Israel, has Bible prophecy been confirmed?
3 Created Debate Don't you love it when right wingers like FromWithin bait and switch?
1 Added Argument science vs mathematics.
1 Added Argument If Trump tweets that he's gonna BE president for LIFE, who's gonna SAY no??
1 Created Debate Are we all one human race?
1 Created Debate Does the government have the right to force the microchip implant on people?
10 Added Argument Obama Education Secretary tells Students to"Boycott School"
1 Added Argument Should all Christians be burned at the stake?
1 Added Argument Children DIED. Is it because we didn’t pray hard enough?
1 Added Argument WHAT LIBERAL POLICIES BRING: Junkies Shoot Up In Public In Nancy Pelosi's Home District
1 Added Argument CNN Writer says Kanye West should be "Denied his Right To Express His Opinion"
-1 Downvoted Argument What is the true cause of gay or bisexual suicide?
5 Created Debate Is Nicki Minaj the baddest bitch (the good kind) in rap music?
5 Created Debate Fuck you, Mom!
-1 Downvoted Argument What is the true cause of gay or bisexual suicide?

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