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Jungelson's Reward Points: 3955

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument To Democrats it is a hate crime when you are a Muslim or Black man, but when a Christian?
0 Added Argument would you rather be a vampire, or a wearwolf?
3 Added Argument Why are there so many anime fags/Weeaboo's on this god damn site!
1 Added Argument Are midgets allowed to order off the kid's menu?
5 Created Debate Come on Guys -_-
0 Added Argument Evolutionist, can something actually be created from nothing?
1 Added Argument If you had to choose a religion to follow what would it be?
2 Added Argument Those on the Left who admit Obama's foreign policy is a joke, will still vote for Hillary.
1 Added Argument Did Hitler do right killing jews or not
2 Added Argument Would you force an African American owned business to cater a KKK meeting?
1 Added Argument New Study Proves that Homosexuality is not genetic
1 Added Argument Who else wants to help fill out CD's Wiki?

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