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HighFalutin's Reward Points: 3402

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should you apologize for things you said before political correctness?
1 Added Argument Is it racist to secure a career promotion because of the color of your skin?
1 Added Argument Left censors, locks down, doxes then claim right wing areas are police state
1 Added Argument Biden says he wants a black woman for the court. Candace Owens?
1 Added Argument Trans men/women are NOT real men/women!
1 Added Argument If Trump is indicted, will you fire on Ft. Sumter, or its modern day equivalent???
1 Added Argument Is it more important to feel morally right or be factually correct?
1 Added Argument Do you think the world will end by the year 3000?
1 Added Argument The JW Space Telescope is being launched. It can detect life anywhere. Will it?
1 Added Argument If Trump is indicted, will you fire on Ft. Sumter, or its modern day equivalent???
1 Added Argument Who's to blame for the record 9% Bidenflation rate?
1 Added Argument If Trump had left civilians to die, had ships sitting in ports and had empty shelves
2 Added Argument A failed coup that goes unpunished is just a dress rehearsal for the next
0 Added Argument Is Black Supremacy the biggest threat to U.S, stability?
1 Added Argument Why torpedo America's energy independence then ask Saudi to step up supplies?
1 Added Argument The reason I'm still here on CD
1 Added Argument Why can't wokes, lefties & progressives face up to reality.
1 Added Argument Why do the losers from the world's failed nations come to America and Europe?
1 Added Argument What's wrong with this statement? Black people are good, white people are good.
1 Added Argument Are Jews white people??
1 Added Argument Should all those who interact with the public have to display proof of covid vax
1 Added Argument Is Cancel Culture incompatible with The Party of Inclusivity?
2 Added Argument What is inevitable with standard Left-Wing maladministrations, such as Biden's?
1 Added Argument As a poor socialist do you believe in the fairer distribution of wealth?

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