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DrawFour's Reward Points: 2662

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Adenovirus Any More Alive than Ebolavirus?
1 Added Argument Can someone please explain this Gamer Gate thing?
1 Added Argument has mankind evolved and learned, or is WW 3 still possible?
6 Added Argument should we legalize marijuana, for medical use, in the US?!
2 Added Argument does science prove creation or evolution?
1 Added Argument Does beer make you smart?
1 Added Argument Will mankind ever have the technology to travel at light speed, wormholes?
10 Added Argument Hulk vs Superman. who wins?
1 Added Argument Would you press the button? Why or why not?
5 Created Debate If it would not inconvenience you, and you have the ability, help?
5 Created Debate Would you press the button? Why or why not?
1 Added Argument Life needs a purpose.
2 Added Argument "The N-Word" more offensive than nigger/a?
1 Added Argument What is the purpose of debate?
1 Added Argument Vote on the issues, or vote on the candidate representing them?
2 Created Debate Vote on the issues, or vote on the candidate representing them?
5 Created Debate "The N-Word" more offensive than nigger/a?
5 Created Debate Life needs a purpose.
5 Created Debate What is the purpose of debate?
1 Added Argument A feature that would be excellent for this site
1 Added Argument If there was a book of all the bad things people have said about you, would you read it?
1 Added Argument Is there a shadow government behind the US government that influences US policy?
1 Added Argument should the KKK be designated as a terrorist organization?
2 Added Argument Insulting others is not a sign of intelligence

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