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Demon_Hunter's Reward Points: 635

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Muslims in the United States Don't Do Anything To Gays You Retard
-1 Downvoted Argument Muslims in the United States Don't Do Anything To Gays You Retard
1 Added Argument If abortion was a number.
1 Added Argument Which will science conquer first?
3 Added Argument Some beautiful thoughts from the Tao te Ching!
5 Created Debate Some beautiful thoughts from the Tao te Ching!
1 Added Argument Who pays during the dating period?
1 Added Argument This Should Be A Fair Shake ! What You Think Progressives ?
1 Added Argument Is it acceptable to swag too hard for yo momma?
2 Added Argument Not a day goes by where some liar says he only supports 1st trimester abortions, but votes
1 Added Argument Is Ted Turner handsome?
2 Added Argument 100 Reasons Atheists are Right.
-1 Downvoted Argument Muslims in the United States Don't Do Anything To Gays You Retard
6 Added Argument Muslims in the United States Don't Do Anything To Gays You Retard
2 Added Argument Ethics and Educational Technology
6 Added Argument Ethics and Educational Technology
4 Added Argument Some really beautiful Hindu Wisdom!
5 Created Debate Some really beautiful Hindu Wisdom!
1 Added Argument What's it like to be in a relationship?
1 Added Argument Corporal Punishment in the Classroom
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Reductionists/Materialists: Is Solidness an Illusion?
-1 Downvoted Argument How many Commandments does god break? How many does his followers break?
-1 Downvoted Argument How many Commandments does god break? How many does his followers break?
2 Added Argument How many Commandments does god break? How many does his followers break?
-1 Downvoted Argument Whats your opinion on magic (no bunny in the hat kind)
2 Added Argument Whats your opinion on magic (no bunny in the hat kind)
1 Added Argument It's amazing that people outraged at these terrorist attacks will STILL vote for Hillary!
1 Added Argument Was Jesus in the bible gay?
2 Added Argument Eye foreign Eye. A tooth foreign tooth.*
1 Added Argument Former atheistic cold case homicide detective investigates the gospel and believes.
1 Added Argument Muslim Bakeries Refuse Gays
1 Added Argument Progressives And The No Fly List
1 Added Argument Eye foreign Eye. A tooth foreign tooth.*
1 Added Argument Was the torture we did to inmates at Guantanamo Bay justifiable?
1 Added Argument Are you comfortable with your own mortality?
1 Added Argument Is politics like playing cards?
1 Added Argument Are you "Philotheist"
0 Added Argument Health Benefits of Dairy
2 Added Argument 100 Reasons why its stupid to believe in evolution
1 Added Argument Banning people from debates
1 Added Argument The AR Platform
-1 Downvoted Argument The AR Platform
-1 Downvoted Argument The AR Platform
4 Added Argument From Least Hated/ Least Liked to Most Hated/ Least Liked
1 Added Argument Why did Europe succeed and Africa fail?
1 Added Argument Orlando Shooting Could Spur Record-Setting Gun Sales
-1 Downvoted Argument The more that you speak against Islam and Muslims the more terrorists it will create.

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