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Crank's Reward Points: 64

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument Any other armed atheists out there?
1 Added Argument Did Native Americans Own Slaves?!
2 Created Debate Are Communists plotting a mass kill across the globe?
1 Created Debate Excon says KKK statues snd Hitler statues are art
1 Added Argument Excon's logic on Robert E Lee statues vs Vladimir Lenin statues
5 Created Debate Are you an introvert or an extrovert
-1 Downvoted Argument Does absolute truth exist?
0 Downvoted Argument Conservatives are the type of people who don't even use real eggs when baking a cake
0 Downvoted Argument Is it ok to rape women if you're a conservative?
0 Downvoted Argument Conservatives are the type of people who don't even use real eggs when baking a cake
1 Added Argument If Kavanaughs' accusers are LYING, why NOT have the FBI investigate?
1 Added Argument If Kavanaughs' accusers are LYING, why NOT have the FBI investigate?
1 Added Argument Investigate & smear all opposition is Stalinism
1 Created Debate The Bible predicts that in the end men are headed to being slaves to the state
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Trump running the show, or did we have a coup d'etat?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Mike Pence Trying To Start A Coup?
1 Added Argument Who Else Here Agrees That Excon Is Genetically Different?
1 Added Argument Want free education and healthcare? The military is hiring.
0 Added Argument Shep Smith vs Sean Hannity's lies and propaganda

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