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Axmeister's Reward Points: 4311

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Christian parents should feel obligated to kill their children.
2 Added Argument What is the best zombie movie?
1 Added Argument Who else misses Gary77777?
4 Added Argument To All You Non-Americans Out There: Happy Independence Day! :)
1 Added Argument Church of CreateDebate
2 Added Argument Should you be punished for the crimes of your ancestors?
1 Added Argument What are 3 of your obsessions?
1 Added Argument Have You Ever Boycotted Something?
2 High Rated Argument Is Edward Snowden a Whistle Blower or an Informant?
4 Added Argument England are better than america at everything
10 Added Argument England are better than america at everything
2 Added Argument Has the election of a black President reduced the issue of race in America?
4 Added Argument Has the election of a black President reduced the issue of race in America?
5 Created Debate Has the election of a black President reduced the issue of race in America?
3 Added Argument Is Edward Snowden a Whistle Blower or an Informant?
2 Added Argument Are Christians or Non-Christians receiving discrimination in America?
1 Added Argument Does the US constitution prevent America from evolving their democracy/political process?
4 Created Debate Does the US constitution prevent America from evolving their democracy/political process?
5 Added Argument Does a person's intelligence dictate their choice of religion?
1 Added Argument Is It Right To Create Debates Over Some People Who Express Their Opinions Inargu
1 Added Argument Snappys 2013 - Category #4 BEST ARGUMENT OF THE YEAR
3 Added Argument Why do Christians believe in a contradictory bible?
2 Added Argument U.S. Army
10 Added Argument Which country is better?

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