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Fashion returns Fashion has stopped.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Fashion returns (1)
 Fashion has stopped. (1)

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Vitalya(4) pic

What's in vogue?

I wanted to ask young people what is now fashionable, how to look like what you prefer to take extra time? And most importantly, sports in fashion?

Fashion returns

Side Score: 1

Fashion has stopped.

Side Score: 1
1 point

Hi guys, now everything comes back in fashion as clothing and the appearance of man. If you look at it used to be all slim and well-groomed, for some reason now everyone stopped looking after themselves appeared fas food and as you know it affects your body is not always in good form. Now there are many sweets and sugar consumption creates a vicious circle, caused by addiction. There are a lot of different theories about what causes sugar cravings, including food allergies, adrenal fatigue, but like everybody else I eat it too and it leads-right to obesity.So I've been dealing with this.I read about weight loss surgery Internet, I liked the patients' way, life changes when you see your body as fashionable

Supporting Evidence: weight loss surgery (
Side: Fashion returns
1 point

Hi, I look at the girls and the truth they are not well-groomed, but in my opinion fashion has made a stop there is no new technology

Side: Fashion has stopped.
bhuvahh(1) Clarified
1 point

I liked the patients' way, life changes when you see your body as fashionable

Side: Fashion returns