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Understanding Duolingo Exam Fees: What You Need to Know"

Are you considering taking a Duolingo language proficiency exam but puzzled about the associated fees? Let's break it down. Duolingo charges a flat fee for each exam, which varies depending on the language you're testing for. Typically, the cost ranges from $49 to $99. However, keep in mind that fees may fluctuate over time, so it's best to check the current rates on the Duolingo website. Additionally, some test-takers may need to pay extra fees for services like score sending or rescheduling. It's crucial to review the fee structure thoroughly before registering for an exam to avoid any surprises. While Duolingo exam fees are generally more affordable compared to traditional language proficiency tests, understanding them upfront ensures a smooth testing experience without financial hiccups. Stay informed and ace your language exam with confidence!
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