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Quick Solution for SBCGlobal Email not Working on Outlook

To configure your SBCGlobal email on both Outlook and your Smartphone, follow these simple steps for seamless access across devices. In Outlook, open the application and go to "File," then select "Add Account." Choose "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and select "Internet Email." Enter your name, SBCGlobal email address, account type (IMAP or POP3), and the incoming/outgoing server information. Input your username and password, then complete the setup. For your Smartphone, locate the email settings or accounts section in the device settings. Choose "Add Account," select "Email," and enter your SBCGlobal email credentials. Ensure the incoming and outgoing server settings match those used for Outlook. Once configured, enjoy synchronized access to your SBCGlobal email on both Outlook and your Smartphone, if you have any specific questions about the Configuration process or encounter issues; simply reach out to SBCGlobal customer service by dialing their dedicated helpline number +1-877-422-4489.  Our experts are available 24*7 at the help desk to understand your query and provide you with the best possible solution.

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