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hanryleo(281) pic

POP3, IMAP or SMTP for Bellsouth Email Account

You can configuring server settings for a Bellsouth email account is crucial for smooth communication. Use the incoming mail server (IMAP or POP3) with server address "" or "" For IMAP, set port to 993, and for POP3, use port 995. Outgoing mail server (SMTP) should be "" with port 465 or 587. Enable SSL for enhanced security. Ensure the username and password are correctly entered. Authentication should be set to "Yes" for both incoming and outgoing servers. These settings facilitate proper email retrieval and sending, ensuring a seamless Bellsouth email experience across various email clients. If you have any problems about using the server settings for Bellsouth email or require assistance help, kindly visit their website, we give relevant information for your webmail. BellSouth also provides a Toll-Free Number; simply dial +1-833-836-0944, we'll provide you with a solution within 24*7 hours.
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