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Is Priligy effective?

Brand-name dapoxetine medicine used to treat PE is known by its generic name, Priligy. It is a safe and effective medication. Multiple research and clinical trials have been conducted on Priligy, and the findings have shown a tripling of intra-vaginal ejaculatory latency time. Patients with PE who took Priligy stayed in bed for three times as long as those who received a placebo.

Generic Priligy, Dapoxetine, image

Priligy 30mg capsules should be taken twice day. Because of how rapidly the benefits wear off if you stop taking the drug, it is recommended that you take it on a constant basis. This medicine may cause minor, infrequent side effects include dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, and sleep disturbances. These unwanted effects are experienced by fewer than 5% of patients using this medicine.

Priligy is available for purchase in many countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas where it has been given the green light for medical usage. It is a prescription-only medication in certain nations, but you may get it without a prescription in others. Community Care Pharmacy also has it!


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