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How to create a new SBCGlobal email account?

To create a SBCGlobal email account you usually need to go through the process of signing up for an AT&T account since AT&T's responsible, for managing SBCGlobal email services. Below are the steps to follow when creating a SBCGlobal email account?
1. Open any web browser, like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
2. Type in in the address bar.
3. Fill in the required details correctly;
  a. Enter your ZIP Code.
  b. Provide your number.
4. If there is a captcha enter it accurately.
5. Click on the "Continue" button.
6. Fill in your name and other necessary information to proceed further.
7. Now provide your profile information.
8. Respond to the security questions;
  a. These security questions and answers are important for password reset or recovery of your SBCGlobal account.
9. Follow the instructions on the screen to verify your account successfully.
10. Once you see the success message saying "You have successfully created an AT&T Member ID “click on "Continue."
After creating your email account visit click on "Sign In” and enter your email ID and password to access your SBCGlobal account. If you encounter any errors creating an SBCGlobal email account, contact SBCGlobal Customer Support for assistance. Simply dial the SBCGlobal Support Number +1-833-836-0944 and get live support and resolve the issue instantly. 

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