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How to Setup Server Settings for Bellsouth Email Account?

To configure your BellSouth email SMTP server settings, follow these steps: Navigate to the settings menu in your email client or app. Look for the "SMTP" or "Outgoing Mail Server" options. Fill in the blanks with the following information: Server SMTP: Port: 465 (SSL/TLS) or 587 (START TLS). Security: Select SSL/TLS or STARTTLS (depending on the port). Username: Your complete BellSouth e-mail address Your BellSouth email password is your password. Make sure the SMTP server is configured to accept authentication. Save your changes and close the configuration menu. Your BellSouth email should be able to send messages through the SMTP server with these settings. If you are having issues with Bellsouth IMAP settings for Outlook, contact us and receive the best Bellsouth Email support. We will provide a suitable solution for you.
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