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How do I sign up for the SBCGlobal Email account?

To sign up for an SBCGlobal email account, you need to follow the steps: first of all, Go to the AT&T or Yahoo platform. Click on the "Sign Up" button. Enter your first and last name. Create a unique username and password. Enter your mobile number and alternate email address. Click on continue. You will then get a confirmation code. Once you get your confirmation code, follow the instructions to register for a new SBCGlobal email account. This Guide will help you sign up for the SBCGlobal Email account. Still, if you are having problems creating the new SBCGlobal email account, then do not hesitate to take the help of an SBCGlobal email support expert. Contact the toll-free support number +1-877-422-4489 and connect with SBCGlobal technical experts to ensure a smooth email setup on the account. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re committed to resolving all your SBCGlobal email concerns smoothly.

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