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How do I Setting up a Roadrunner Email Account in Outlook?

Roadrunner Email is a popular electronic communication service that provides users with secure and reliable email solutions. Offering features like customizable email addresses, ample storage, and enhanced security measures, it ensures efficient communication for individuals and businesses alike. Setting up a Roadrunner email account in Outlook is very simple. Open Outlook and go to the "File" tab. Choose "Add Account" and enter your email address and password. Outlook will automatically configure settings. If not, choose "Manual setup" and select "POP3" or "IMAP," then input server details: incoming ( for POP3, or for IMAP) and outgoing ( Use your full email as a username. For POP3, use port 110, IMAP use 143, and SMTP use 587. Enable SSL for security. If none of these steps work you can connect with our Roadrunner email help and member service staff at +1-833-836-0944, who are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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