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How Do I Configure Roadrunner Email using IMAP?

Roadrunner IMAP is an Email Server where you can customize your email using Gmail, Outlook, and various other email clients. It is simply that you can access all emails from different email clients through IMAP. If you want to set up the Roadrunner email in the IMAP server into any different email application or format, it gets extremely simple. 1- Open your email client and choose the option to add a new account. 2- Select "IMAP" as the account type. 3- Enter your full Roadrunner email address and password. 4- Configure incoming server settings: Use "" as the server, port "993," and enable SSL/TLS encryption. 5- Configure the outgoing server: Use "" as the server, port "587," activate encryption, and select "Require authentication." 6- Complete the setup, allowing the client to verify and authenticate the servers. 7- Once authenticated, your Roadrunner Email is configured to use IMAP, allowing you to access your emails on various devices at the same time. If none of these measures resolve your Roadrunner email issues or problems, the support professionals provide Roadrunner email help and member service contact information for more assistance; they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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