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aartiseo(4) pic

Enchanting Rishikesh trip for 2 days with

Embark on an enchanting Rishikesh trip for 2 days with Nestled amidst the breathtaking embrace of the Himalayas and the sacred Ganges River, this meticulously crafted trip promises an unforgettable escape from the mundane. Day one unfolds like a reverie as you explore the quaint streets adorned with vibrant markets, yoga studios, and ancient temples that whisper tales of spirituality. As the sun dips behind the mountains, experience the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti, a soul-stirring ceremony that illuminates the banks of the river with countless flickering lamps. With the dawn of day two, immerse yourself in an adventurous rendezvous with nature. The thrill of white-water rafting on the frothing river rapids is bound to quicken your pulse. Complete your expedition with a tranquil visit to the Beatles Ashram, where the echoes of the past blend harmoniously with the present. curates this 2-day odyssey to offer you a glimpse into the heart of Rishikesh's beauty, spirituality, and adventure.

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