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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ryann_17's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

thats another problem. sometimes the teachers idea of 'your best' is a lot higher than what the student can even achieve.

4 points

I don't think students should be sent to ASI for not completing an assignment. If one student, who had one of the top grades in the class, completely forgot about the backside of an assignment he wouldn't have to worry about being punished for a mistake that happens to a lot of people. But, if there is a student who doesn't care about any of their work and the teachers repeatedly keep trying to help him bring up his grades and have him take more responsibility. In the end they are just wasting their time. If these kinds of kids are getting sent to intervention repeatedly, they OBVIOUSLY aren't learning the intended lesson. I'd say just give the non-caring kids a zero and move on.

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