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This personal waterfall shows you all of Rob_52's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

while that is a good point, you have to remember the purpose of ASI its purpose is for kids to get better grades after the first time as in life you don't get any second chances, does this make sense? ASI works only for one thing, and that is putting the fear of their parents into them because no parent wants to com out at 5:30 just to pick their kid up, ASI isn't a consequence its more like some what of an incentive for their parents not to be mad at them.

2 points

not necisarily, in ASI (i have been in a few) teachers only help somewhat, teachers t times treat it as a prison of some sort like some teachers won't let you use the restroom, and some just have an attitude with students which causes even more problems, i mean honestly how do you learn from sitting in a room doing a piece of paper you didn't do the first time. sure it helps get the work done but it doesn't help you lean anything.

5 points

No, because when you think about it ask doesn't really help anybody complete their work. well none of my friends anyways. I believe it takes away from our time because thats our free time, then takes away from teachers time because they will have to grade it, honestly if there was a punishment for not completing work why not do something productive and actually punishing by something physical, such as push ups or 1 workout session thats really tough i mean obesity is a problem anyways.

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