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This personal waterfall shows you all of Osclira's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

Attendance is a big problem already. Letting students pick where they want to attend will increase that problem. For example, say I live a couple of streets down from MacArthur HS but I want to attend Grand Prairie HS, how am I going to get there? If my both of my parents work in the morning and there are no buses that can come and pick me up, then how am I going to get to school on time everyday. Only students that drive themselves or whose parents are capable and willing to take them everyday on time, should be able to choose their school.

1 point

If a president is doing a great job for the country, he should be allowed to fun for more than 2 terms. If the president is loved by the people, because he is honest, responsible and makes positive decisions, then it makes no sense saying he can't run again. Abraham Lincoln was a great president that did remarkable things for this country, he kept this country together, abolished slavery and should of been allowed to run again, if it weren't for his mournful death. If a president is not one who betters the country than the judicial branch should kick them out of office.

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